A big thanks to all our recent fundraisers!
A big thanks to all our recent fundraisers!
Help us achieve our goals!
Help us achieve our goals!
Our fundraising drive is on now!
All of your time, effort, and donations have made huge impacts! Look out for our next fundraiser!
When we are confronted by horrifying photos and videos of the destruction of Ukraine and its people, we wonder how can we help? The helplessness we feel can be changed into tangible help and support. Read on to find out how you can make a donation to Ukraine.
I am Betsy Fenik, a second-generation Ukrainian-American with a large, intergenerational family in that beautiful country. After having spent a week with some of my Ukrainian cousins in Italy, seeing their hope, fear, and despair, I was moved to lend my support to a group to which they belong. Based in a bakery in Lviv, Western Ukraine, this group finds, purchases, and delivers food, medical supplies, safety equipment, tactical supplies and other forms of support to the men and women who have joined the fight for Ukraine's freedom and independence.
Give 2 Ukraine is a US based fundraising site specifically designed to support the volunteer, civilian soldiers who are defending Ukraine alongside their military counterparts and those who are deprived of heat and power this winter. You can help by making a donation to Ukraine.
Our goal was to raise $5000 to be sent to support this dedicated group and the brave civilians who have volunteered to defend their country from Russian aggression and dominance. Since beginning on April 14, 2022, our fundraising efforts have raised and SENT $11,000.00 to this group. Your donation to Ukraine has helped buy boots, gloves, metal detectors, tracheal tubes, tourniquets, thermal imagers, food, antibiotics, the contents of an operating room and more. Olga Tesliak who runs this group is amazing and we are so proud to be helping her!
But time has passed, the war continues and Olga and her group are in need of donations more than ever. Ukrainians face a long, cold winter without heat or electricity and the volunteer soldiers need warm boots, gloves, coats and medical supplies so your donation to Ukraine means more than ever during this terrible period.
Our new goal is to raise another $5000 to assist Ukraine. Hope remains high there and you can help keep that hope alive by supporting these brave people. Donate to Ukraine now!
...there are times and events in history that cannot be ignored. To do nothing is to be part of the problem. Please donate to Ukraine now and be part of the solution.
These are truly grassroots efforts and aside from the fee charged by PayPal, no other fees or commissions exist. ALL of your donation goes directly from me to the bakery in Lviv.
We accept payment by PayPal (they charge a fee), Venmo or personal check.
To use PayPal, click the button below
If you choose Venmo, send to @Elizabeth-Fenik and send for "gear" or "party favors" or "supplies"
To pay by personal check:
Elizabeth Fenik
200 Terre Mar Dr.
N Kingstown, RI 02852
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